- Opportunity to talk confidentially with a counselor about personal concerns
- Facilitate personal growth
- Counselor and client work together to resolve conflicts
- Specific, focused
- Issues presented by the client
- Familial relationships have had the most powerful affect on our lives
- Each member identifies what he/she wants out of the process
- Define what family means to each member; what they want their family to be
- Most effective with teens or mature children, rather than young children
- Means of developing communication between family members
- Process of each clarifying what he/she wants in the relationship
- Means of discovering ‘what’ you want in the relationship
- Means of developing communication skills
- Learning how to grow into an adult relationship
(Group Sessions that address trauma, anger, self-worth/value will begin in Spring 2023)
- Simultaneous interaction with people typically outside the client’s social and familial network
- Homogeneous: similar issues
- Heterogeneous: diverse backgrounds and concerns
- Looking at the dynamics, here and now
- Examines current issues in members lives
- Interaction of group members reveals dynamics emerged from other relationships; opportunity to learn about yourself in relationship to others.
- Benefits of Group Therapy:
- helps one understand interactions
- elicits response from members about behaviors and
- helps one initiate correction in interaction through insights